- “Is the ADA Enough?” Interview fellow disability activist Laura Hershey, originally published Colorado Quarterly Magazine, 2002 http://dljmlight.tripod.com/DL/IsADAenough.htm
- “Dollars and Death,” originally published in The Los Angeles Daily News, Sunday April 25, 1999 http://disweb.org/issues/pas/marta1.html
- “Backlash Against the ADA: Reinterpreting Disability Rights” Linda Hamilton Krieger, Editor University of Michigan Press, 2010 http://www.press.umich.edu/2717075/backlash_against_the_ada
- “Disablement, Prison, and Historical Segregation,” co-written with Jean Stewart Monthly Review July–August 2001, Volume 53, Number 3 http://monthlyreview.org/2001/07/01/disablement-prison-and-historical-segregation
- “Targeting Disability” Monthly Review April 2005, Volume 56, Number 11 http://monthlyreview.org/2005/04/01/targeting-disability
- “The Medicaid Kill-Off” MR Zine August 15, 2005 http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/2005/russell150805.html
- “Too Many Human Rights” Feminist International Radio Endeavor, date unknown http://www.fire.or.cr/disabilities/notas/dis-russell.htm
- “Capitalism and Disability” co-written with Ravi Malhotra Socialist Register Vol.38 http://socialistregister.com/index.php/srv/article/view/5784#.Ur8kD42E5U-
- “Disablement, Oppression, and the Political Economy” Journal of Disability Policy Studies Fall 2001 vol. 12 no. 2 pp. 87 – 95 http://dps.sagepub.com/content/12/2/87.short
- List of Marta Russell’s Articles on ZNet: https://zcomm.org/author/martarussell/?post_type=znetarticle
- List of Marta Russell’s Commentaries on ZNet: https://zcomm.org/author/martarussell/?post_type=commentary